General Knowledge

Earth at Perihelion 2023: Date, History and Effects

This event is important to understand how our planet’s orbit affects us and how it has changed over time.

January 4, 2023 marks an important event for the Earth – Perihelion. On this day, the Earth will be at its closest point to the Sun for the entire year. This event is important to understand how our planet’s orbit affects us and how it has changed over time. In this blog post, we’ll provide a detailed overview of what Perihelion is and what effect it has on our climate here on Earth. We’ll also discuss why it’s so important to monitor Perihelion so that we can better prepare ourselves for future events and extreme weather conditions. So read on to learn more about this fascinating astronomical phenomenon!

What is Perihelion?

Every year, around January 3 or 4, Earth reaches its closest point to the sun. This point is called perihelion. At perihelion, Earth is about 91.4 million miles (147 million km) from the sun. That’s about 3 million miles (5 million km) closer than Earth’s average distance from the sun, which is about 94.5 million miles (152 million km).

History of Earth’s Perihelion

The Earth’s orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle, but instead elliptical. This means that the Earth is closer to the sun at some points in its orbit, and further away at others. The point in the orbit where the Earth is closest to the sun is called perihelion, and it occurs every year around January 4th.

The word “perihelion” comes from the Greek words “peri,” meaning “near,” and “helios,” meaning “sun.” So perihelion literally means “near the sun.”

The Earth’s distance from the sun varies throughout the year because of its elliptical orbit. At perihelion, the Earth is about 91.5 million miles (147 million kilometers) from the sun. That’s about 3 million miles (5 million km) closer than at aphelion, which occurs in early July when the Earth is farthest from the sun.

Although 3 million miles may not sound like much, it actually makes a big difference in terms of sunlight and heat. The sunlight at perihelion is about 7% brighter than at aphelion. And because the sun appears larger in our sky when we’re close to it, it also looks about 30% bigger at perihelion than at aphelion.

The increased sunlight and heat can have a noticeable effect on weather patterns, although not always in ways you might expect. In general, winters are

Effects of Perihelion

As the Earth moves around the sun, its distance from the sun changes. This difference in distance affects how much solar radiation the Earth receives. When the Earth is closer to the sun (at perihelion), it receives more solar radiation than when it is farther away (at aphelion).

This extra solar radiation can have a few different effects on our planet. For example, it can affect global temperatures, as well as the amount of sunlight that reaches different parts of the world. Additionally, perihelion can influence atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns.

Overall, though, the effects of perihelion are generally pretty small. So while you might notice a slight uptick in temperature or a change in daylight hours during this time of year, don’t expect anything too drastic!


Earth’s perihelion is an exciting event for astronomers, scientists, and everyday people alike. The unique position of the Earth at this time will offer us a chance to witness the celestial mechanics in action as it makes its closest approach to the sun. This rare opportunity may even provide us with insights into our planet’s climate or how life on Earth has evolved over long periods of time. While we eagerly await January 4th, 2023, we can look forward to learning more about our own planet and its relationship with the sun in what could be one of astronomy’s most remarkable events of recent years.


Eduvast Desk

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