General Knowledge

World Sea Turtle Day 2022: Date, History and Facts about Sea Turtles

World Sea Turtle Day is an important day to celebrate the conservation of sea turtles. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of protecting these endangered creatures.

June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day, and in observance, we’re bringing you some interesting facts about these amazing creatures! For example, did you know that sea turtles can migrate more than 2,000 miles each year? And that they’ve been around for over 150 million years? We also have a fun fact for you – sea turtles are the only animals that can Right Turn!

When is World Sea Turtle Day?

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated every year on June 16th in order to raise awareness and help protect sea turtles.

Year Date Day
2022 June 16 Thursday
2023 June 16 Friday
2024 June 16 Sunday
2025 June 16 Monday
2026 June 16 Tuesday

Sea turtles are a very important part of the marine ecosystem. They play an important role in bringing food to the ocean and cleaning up the water. They are also an important part of the tourism industry, as many people enjoy seeing them swimming in the ocean.

World Sea Turtle Day was established by a group of conservationists to help raise awareness about sea turtles and their importance. The day is celebrated by organizations all over the world, and there are events taking place all throughout June to celebrate sea turtles.

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Why Celebrate World Sea Turtle Day?

World Sea Turtle Day is an important day to celebrate the conservation of sea turtles. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of protecting these endangered creatures.

Sea turtles are some of the most threatened species on the planet. They are currently in danger from many different factors, including habitat loss, poaching, and pollution.

World Sea Turtle Day is an important day to raise awareness about the importance of protecting these endangered creatures. It is also an opportunity to learn more about their conservation and how you can help protect them.

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What You Can Do to Support Sea Turtles

Today is World Sea Turtle Day, and to help celebrate, here are a few things you can do to help support sea turtles.

First of all, if you see a sea turtle on the beach, don’t pick it up! Turtles can easily become trapped in objects such as sandbags and plastic bags, and can drown if they’re not freed quickly.

Secondly, please don’t release any of the marine turtles that you may find stranded onshore. These turtles may have been caught in fishing gear or other pollutants and need time to recuperate before they can be released back into the wild.

If you do find a stranded sea turtle, take note of its location and contact your local conservation organization for advice. They may be able to help release the turtle back into the ocean safely.

Facts About Sea Turtles

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on June 16th each year to raise awareness about the endangered sea turtles.

Sea turtles are one of the most endangered animals in the world. They are threatened by a number of factors, including habitat loss, entanglement in fishing gear, and ingestion of plastic debris.

Some species of sea turtles are considered critically endangered, which means that their numbers have decreased by more than 50% over the past two decades. The leatherback turtle is one of these species. It is currently listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

The main cause of the decline in sea turtle populations is human activity. We are damaging their habitats and killing them for their meat or eggs. We can help protect sea turtles by reducing our use of plastics and by taking care not to disturb their nesting beaches. World Sea Turtle Day is a good opportunity to raise awareness about these issues and to help save these amazing creatures!

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The Threats to Sea Turtles

1. Sea turtles are facing numerous threats, both near and far.

Near the shoreline, sea turtles face the risk of being caught in fishing nets and drownings. They may also be entangled in debris while feeding or nesting onshore.

Further out in the open ocean, sea turtles can become prey for sharks and other predators. In addition, they are susceptible to pollution and climate change, which can affect their food sources and habitats.

Thankfully, there are many organizations working to protect sea turtles. Thanks to their efforts, we can hope that this iconic species will continue to thrive for years to come.

How You Can Help Save the Sea Turtles

World Sea Turtle Day is an annual event that celebrates the conservation of sea turtles. On this day, people around the world are encouraged to take action to help save these endangered creatures.

There are a number of ways that you can help save sea turtles. You can join a conservation organization, donate money to organizations that work to protect sea turtles, or sign petitions and make calls to support sea turtle conservation.

The most important thing you can do on World Sea Turtle Day is to be aware of the dangers that sea turtles face. Many people don’t realize that turtles get stranded on beaches all the time. If you see a stranded turtle, please help get it safely back into the water.


World Sea Turtle Day is coming up, and we wanted to make sure you knew about some of the ways you can help protect these amazing creatures! Here are a few things you can do to help:
1. Donate money to organizations that work to protect sea turtles and their habitats.
2. Donate eggs or rescue baby turtles if you come across them in your backyard or while out on walks.
3. Educate yourself and others about the importance of protecting sea turtles by sharing accurate information on social media and other platforms.

Eduvast Desk

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