Bharatiya Janata Party Rajya Sabha MP Kirodi Lal Meena on Tuesday, after he claimed to have received a threat letter from an anonymous person, said that the Rajasthan government has “taken a soft approach” towards extremist outfit Popular Front of India which has “boosted their morale” to threaten people. Notably, Meena said that he received a threat letter from one Kadil Ali who threatened him for life.
Following the incident, the MP said that he wrote to Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot urging the latter to conduct an enquiry into the matter. Speaking to ANI, Meena said, “I had gone to meet the family of Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur after he was beheaded. I had announced to give my one-month salary to his family. It has been mentioned in the threat letter that I extended help to the one who committed the crime. It said that you have committed a crime and will have the same condition as his.”
“I have sought an investigation from the Chief Minister. I have also sent the letter to the top officers. I had taken part in the agitation against the Karauli incident as well where I had sought the arrest of the culprits. The main accused are the people connected with the PFI. Matroob Ahmed has not been arrested till now. There is fear in the minds of the people, I demand from the Chief Minister to free the people of this fear,” he added. Notably, violence broke out in the Karauli district of Rajasthan on April 2 after a stone-pelting incident at a religious procession.
Elaborating on the violence, the BJP MP said that PFI had warned the state government before the incident, however, the Gehlot government had a soft approach towards them leading to their morale boost. “PFI had warned the government before the incident that had taken place in Karauli. Later on, a PFI hand was discovered in the incident. The Rajasthan government has a soft approach towards them because of this their morale has increased. Due to this, they are threatening people time and again. The government should deal with them strictly,” he said.
“I have not received any response from the Chief Minister so far. He may respond in the future. I have also written to Nityanand Rai,” Meena added. The BJP leader further said that Kanhaiya Lal, who was beheaded in Udaipur for supporting Nupur Sharma on social media, would not have been killed if he had been given security.
“Common people should be free from fear. They should be given security. Had Kanhaiya Lal gotten security, he would not have lost his life. There should be strict action against the perpetrators,” he said. (ANI)
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