SBI Clerk 2023: The State Bank of India has published the job announcement for 8,773 SBI clerk positions. On the official SBI recruitment website,, candidates can register. The application deadline is December 7, 2023.
Applicants may apply for the posted positions if they hold an equivalent credential that has been authorised by the government or a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from an accredited university.
The main exam is anticipated to take place in February 2024, with the preliminary exam set for January 2024.
SBI Clerk 2023 Salary
SBI Clerk salaries are comparatively higher than those of other entry-level banking occupations. Based on the data that is currently accessible, the starting Basic Pay is Rs. 19,900 (Rs. 17,900 + 2 Advance Increments for Graduates). A Clerical Cadre employee’s total beginning salary in a city like Mumbai, including D.A., current allowances, and two more increments, will be roughly Rs. 37,000/-per month.
SBI Clerk: Advancements
Clerks at State Bank of India (SBI) have many opportunities to climb to higher positions within the bank through an organised career advancement route. Eligible clerks can apply for promotions through SBI, which regularly conducts internal promotion exams and interviews. Candidates must pass the promotion exam, show up for an interview, and have worked for the bank for at least two years in order to be promoted from clerk to officer. SBI clerks are eligible for three different types of promotions. In-Cadre promotions consist of:
An assistant becomes a Senior Assistant after ten years of service and is eligible to receive a special allowance of Rs 1800, which is not deducted from their base wage.
An assistant can become a Special Assistant after twenty years of service. A special allowance of Rs. 2500 is included with this post and is taken into account when determining base salary.
An assistant becomes a Senior Special Assistant after thirty years of service, and their special allowance of Rs 3500 is included in their base wage.
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Promotions to Officer Cadre as Trainee Officer from SBI Clerk:
After working as a clerk for three years, a clerk can advance to trainee officer status by completing an interview and written exam. Two years after their employment, these trainee officers are subject to a probationary term. They might be placed permanently in the Middle Management Grade Scale-II (MMGS-II) cadre or put back in the clerical cadre, depending on how well they do during this probation.
Advancement to JMGS-I, the Junior.
Manager Grade Scale:
A clerk can advance to the rank of Junior Manager Grade Scale (JMGS-I) officer by completing six years of service through a fast-track promotion route or twelve years through a standard promotion path. This requires passing both an interview and written test. It’s crucial to remember that there is an upper age limit on this promotion.
With more than 2 lakh employees nationwide, the State Bank of India (SBI) is one of the biggest and most well-known banks in the nation. In addition, the candidates who are chosen for the SBI clerk post will receive benefits like:
- A steady work
- Monetary stability
- Health insurance as well as additional features
- New Pension Scheme (NPS) provident fund pension