Florida TANF Benefits: If you are a resident of Florida and are a recipient of funds through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, you may be curious about the anticipated date of receipt of your TANF Benefits Florida payment for the month of October.
Consequently, it is critical to understand that individuals do not all receive their monthly compensation simultaneously.
The distribution of top-ups throughout the month is contingent upon the case number.
TANF Benefits Florida: Who is eligible to receive payment during the first week of October 2023?
When does my EBT card reload with TANF Benefits Florida this week?
The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) administers the payments and distributes Florida TANF payments using the state-issued EBT card, the Florida ACCESS Card.
The following is an exhaustive list detailing when your Florida ACCESS Card will be reloaded in accordance with your case number:
- If 00-03 appears between the ninth and eighth digits of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the first of each month.
- If 04-06 appears between the ninth and eighth digits of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the second of each month.
- If 07-10 appears between the ninth and eighth digits of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the third of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 11 and 13, benefits are deposited on the fourth of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 14 and 17, then the benefits are deposited monthly on the fifth.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 18 and 20, then the sixth of each month is designated for the deposit of your benefits.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 21 and 24, benefits are deposited on the seventh day of each month.
- Your benefits are deposited on the eighth of each month if the 9th and 8th digits of your case number are-25-27.
- Your benefit deposits occur on the ninth of each month if the 9th and 8th digits of your case number are between 28 and 31.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 32 and 34, the tenth of each month is designated for the deposit of your benefits.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 35 and 38, your benefits are deposited on the eleventh day of each month.
- If 39-41 are the digits following the ninth in your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the twelfth of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 42 and 45, then the 13th of each month is designated for the deposit of your benefits.
- If 46-48 are the digits between the ninth and eighth of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the fourteenth of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 49 and 53, then the 15th of each month is designated for the deposit of your benefits.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 54 and 57, your benefits are deposited on the sixteenth of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 58 and 60, benefits are deposited on the seventeenth of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 61 and 64, your benefits are deposited on the eighteenth day of each month.
- When the 9th and 8th digits of your case number are between 65 and 67, benefits are deposited the nineteenth of each month.
- 68-71 are the digits of the ninth and eighth digits of the case number; therefore, benefits are deposited on the twentieth of each month.
- You will receive your benefits on the 21st of each month if the 9th and 8th digits of your case number are 72-74.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number fall between 75 and 78, the benefits are disbursed on the 22nd of each month.
- If 79-81 are the digits following the ninth in your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the 23rd of each month.
- You will receive your benefits on the 24th of each month if the 9th and 8th digits of your case number are 82-85.
- If 86-88 appears between the ninth and eighth digits of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the 25th of each month.
- If 89-92 comprise the ninth and eighth digits of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the 26th of each month.
- If 93-95 are the digits of the 9th and 8th of your case number, then your benefits are deposited on the 27th of each month.
- When the ninth and eighth digits of your case number are between 96 and 99, benefits are deposited on the 28th of each month.
- As a result, individuals whose case numbers fall within the range of 25 to 53 will begin receiving TANF benefits in Florida within the following week.
With regard to the time at which the deposits are executed, the TANF Benefits Florida should be reflected on your Florida ACCESS Card no later than 06:00 on the deposit day.
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How can I determine when my Florida EBT card is reloaded?
Accessing the EBT Cardholder Portal will allow you to verify whether or not your Florida ACCESS Card has been reloaded.