The education of the children of the block’s Rampurbigha school is Rambhosay. This school is buildingless. For this reason, it is being tagged from a room of Neerpur High School to run it in some way. To the extent that food and water are being provided in the same room along with studies from class 1st to 5th.
Call it the negligence of the school administration or the compulsion that along with preparing food in the same class room, education is also being done. God forbid anything untoward happens. But, if there is any kind of leakage in the gas cylinder or stove, then who will be responsible for it.
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Due to the negligence of the school administration, the children are compelled to study in panic. Parents are also worried about this action of the school administration. Upendra Kumar, in-charge of the newly created primary school, said that 83 children are enrolled in the school. Due to shortage of room, MDM is being made in the class room itself. The departmental officer has been informed about this. Due to which the education of the children should not be interrupted, it has been shifted to Neerpur School.
Neerpur High School has 10 rooms. There is only one room for primary school. In this, along with studies, there is food and water. On the other hand, the office of Neerpur School is in the eight rooms and in eight rooms, the children of Neerpur High School study from 1st to 10th standard.
In this, eight teachers are posted to teach 421 children. It is said that in the year 2014, eight schools were opened in the block on the recommendation of the Panchayat Samiti. Rampur Bigha School is also included in these. But, till date the building of this school has not been built.