National and International days in March 2022: March is the third month of the calendar year and the last month of the financial year.
The name of March is dedicated to the Roman god of war, Mars. It is the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. Every year March and June end on the same day of the week? March month is the first month of Spring. It is the month when animals start waking up from hibernation.
The important days and dates of March 2022 are Zero Discrimination Day, World Civil Defence Day, World Wildlife Day, World Hearing Day, National Security Day, International Women’s Day, No Smoking Day, World Kidney Day, International Day of Action for Rivers, Pi Day, World Consumer Rights Day, Ordnance Factories Day, International Day of Happiness, World Sparrow Day, World Forestry Day, World Down Syndrome Day, World Poetry Day, World Water Day, World Meteorological Day, World TB Day, World Theater Day etc.
List of National and International days in March 2022
1 March 2022: Zero Discrimination Day, World Civil Defence Day
International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO) decided to celebrate this day in 1990.
3 March 2022: World Wildlife Day
The theme of World Wildlife Day 2022 is “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration”.
World Hearing Day
4 March 2022: National Security Day
8 March 2022: International Women’s Day
9 March 2022: No Smoking Day (Second Wednesday of March)
10 March 2022: World Kidney Day (Second Thursday of March)
14 March 2022: International Day of Action for Rivers, Pi Day
15 March 2022: World Consumer Rights Day
18 March 2022: Ordnance Factories Day
20 March 2022: International Day of Happiness, World Sparrow Day
21 March 2022: World Forestry Day, World Down Syndrome Day
World Poetry Day:
To celebrate this day on 21st March was adopted during UNESCO’s 30th session in Paris in 1999.
22 March 2022: World Water Day
World Water Day is observed annually to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
23 March 2022: World Meteorological Day
On 23rd March 1950, the World Meteorological Organisation came into force. The theme of World Meteorological Day 2022 is “Early Warning and Early Action. Hydrometeorological and Climate Information for Disaster Risk Reduction.”
24 March 2022: World TB Day
25 March – International Day of the Unborn Child
It is observed on 25th March. It is an annual commemoration of unborn fetuses and is observed as a day of opposition to abortion.
27 March 2022: World Theater Day