Send a Digital Greeting Card Day is annually observed on May 18. This day is intended to encourage individuals to send electronic greeting cards. These digital greeting cards are not only convenient and inexpensive to send, but they are also environmentally friendly. Utilising electronic greeting cards as opposed to paper ones contributes to environmental protection by reducing paper waste. Since its inception several decades ago, the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, and sending a personalised e-card is an enjoyable and simple way to express goodwill.
The background of Send an Electronic Greeting Card Day
If you’re reading this on a computer, smartphone, or tablet, you’re likely already familiar with the concept of electronic greeting cards, as they’ve been around for some time and are here to stay. Electronic greeting cards, also known as e-cards, are now extensively utilised. They are similar to conventional greeting cards, except they are created digitally and sent via email. Though greeting cards were traditionally sent via email and accessed via a computer, they can now be distributed via social media platforms, smartphones, and other mobile devices, among other channels. E-cards can be sent to a single recipient or multiple recipients simultaneously. Typically, personalised greeting cards are selected from an online catalogue and then personalised with photographs, videos, and a message. The card company is responsible for sending the card to the recipient on behalf of the sender.
During the late 1990s, when the majority of Americans were just beginning to acquire personal computers, many animated greeting cards were distributed via email. Even though the low-resolution graphics of those cards may seem antiquated now, receiving an animated greeting card back then was a major deal.
Late in 1994, while conducting research at the M.I.T. Media Lab, Judith Donath created The Electric Postcard, the first website for transmitting electronic greeting cards. In the late spring of 1996, more than 1.7 million greeting cards were sent around the globe. Several additional e-card websites launched shortly thereafter. There have been significant changes to electronic greeting cards over the years, with Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp emoticons becoming the norm, but the underlying concept has remained the same.
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Send a digital greeting card
Electronic greeting cards are by no means extinct, and it is easy to find websites that offer a vast selection of e-cards for any occasion. Those who have never before sent an electronic greeting card have the perfect opportunity to do so today.
Send decals
Stickers can be sent even if an electronic card cannot be sent. It is a beautiful method to convey holiday greetings.
Share via social networks
The holiday can be celebrated on social media. The hashtag #SendAnElectronicGreetingCardDay may be used.
Electronic greetings are a cheap and entertaining way to make someone smile and enliven their day.
They are advantageous to the environment because they are created digitally and transmitted electronically, without the use of paper.
Electronic greeting cards are intended to be viewed online rather than printed because the images are readily accessible online and can be sent via email.
Smartphones and mobile devices are increasingly used to send numerous e-greetings via social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Previously, electronic greeting cards were sent via email using a desktop computer.
E-cards can now be sent to a single recipient or a group of recipients simultaneously.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | May 18 | Thursday |
2024 | May 18 | Saturday |
2025 | May 18 | Sunday |
2026 | May 18 | Monday |
2027 | May 18 | Tuesday |