Super Bowl Squares: As the National Football League’s Super Bowl LVIII approaches, millions of football fans will have other things on their minds in addition to the main event. The Super Bowl LVIII will take place on Sunday, February 11, 2024, so plenty of fans are already preparing for it. In addition to the fact that the largest football game of the year will take place on the field, there will also be a chance for people to come together and enjoy the match and how it will unfold.
It has been said that guessing the outcome of a game is a sport in itself, and ‘football squares’ is the perfect game to do this with friends and family.
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How do you play football squares?
Here are the steps to play football squares, a game of chance designed in the style of a pool game. It will include everyone, regardless of whether they are fans of football, if their team is playing, or whether they are just there for the nachos. What you must do is:
- If you do not already have a 10×10 grid, you can draw one out or print one from multiple websites. There are even online grids that you can use.
- There will be a need for an additional row, both vertically and horizontally.
- During the game, players will place their initials on squares around the grid.
- It will be necessary to draw random numbers for the teams from 0 to 9 on the additional rows.
- To assign numbers to the teams, a person should be chosen at random.
- At the end of each quarter, we will determine the winner by looking at the last number of each team’s score, matching it to a square on the grid, and determining which square the two numbers are located in.
Super Bowl Square: Here, you can also print a template
Is there a way to pay out at football squares?
In most cases, each quarter’s winner receives about 20% of the pot, while the last quarter receives 40%. However, this is not a rule but rather an individual decision.
Here are the four best combinations in Super Bowl history:
- 0-0: 19 times
- 0-3: 13 times
- 0–7: 11 times
- 7-0: 10 times
- 3-7: 10 times
Those are the best numbers to select when selecting your squares on the grid.