2023 UPMSP UP Board Exam: The UP Board’s high school and intermediate examinations, which begin on February 16, have been issued with instructions on ‘what to do, what not to do’ at the testing centres. Deepak Kumar, the Principal Secretary of Government, sent a letter to all DMs, Commissioners, Police Commissioners, SSPs, the Director of Secondary Education, and the Secretary of the UP Board on February 2. It has been stated that students’ shoes and socks should not be removed during the examination. No inappropriate or indecent behaviour with the centre administrator, examination personnel, or examinees.
Teachers are not permitted to use mobile phones, calculators, or other electronic devices while conducting room inspections. Male teachers or staff shall not search female examinees and shall not harass or intimidate any candidate taking the exam peacefully. Outsiders will be prohibited from entering or photographing the centre during the examination period. Allow no anti-social elements or outsiders to congregate outside the examination centre.
CCTV monitoring of the question paper
In each examination centre, a secure room will be built to keep the question paper safe. This secure room, as well as the almirah with a double lock to keep the exam papers safe, will be monitored by CCTV cameras 24 hours a day. The strong room at each centre will be opened one hour before the Board examination begins in the presence of the Static Magistrate, Center Administrator, and External Center Administrator, and will be closed one hour after the examination is completed. No officer or employee may enter the strong room while carrying a mobile phone.