DU-SOL Exam 2023: The examination was cancelled due to the inconvenience caused to students of Delhi University’s School of Open Learning by incorrect information on the time of examination on the admit card. Students were outraged after the exam was cancelled. The police were forced to intervene due to student and parent outrage. According to a DU official, two subjects will be examined on Saturday in the morning and evening shifts. The examinees encountered difficulties as a result of incorrect time information on the admit card, and the examination had to be cancelled. According to DU registrar Vikas Gupta, an investigation will be conducted to determine whether the error was caused by a human error or a technical glitch.
The SOL exam scheduled for Sunday has also been cancelled, according to university officials, but the pre-scheduled exam dates for the remaining days have been put on hold. The DU SOL administration will soon announce the new date for these two subjects’ examinations.
Following the cancellation of the School of Open Learning’s examination, SOL students demonstrated outside the DU Arts Faculty, Gate No. 4, and delivered a memorandum to the DU Vice-Chancellor. According to the revolutionary youth organisation, mismanagement and chaos have become the hallmarks of SOL and DU administrations, demonstrating that the administrations are unconcerned about the future of lakhs of SOL students. KYS has demanded that the DU administration take strict action against the SOL officers in a memorandum submitted to the DU Vice-Chancellor. The student organisation ABVP also described it as unfortunate.
Problems encountered by students
Sangeeta, a first-year BA student, said she arrived at her designated centre on time and the exam began normally, but students were informed about the cancellation minutes later. They were told that they discovered a notice at the college’s main gate in which information about the cancellation of the examination was given and that they would be notified later on the next date. As a result, the SOL administration should have been informed at least one day in advance. The students came from all over. Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS), a student organisation, has condemned DU’s mismanagement and inefficiency. Its activists, along with students, protested at the Soul Building.