Kochi-based educational startup has launched video solutions to mathematics questions for CBSE syllabus explaining how to solve each problem.
Showans.com, the web portal, has initiated the service explaining answers to multiple-choice questions in video format.
”In the first phase, the video service covers the mathematics syllabus of CBSE Class X, XI and XII. The videos are prepared at the studios in Kochi and Mumbai and have been developed by involving nearly 100 mathematics teachers across India,” the company said in a release.
Ram Mohan Nair, the marketing head of Showans.com, said the site has uploaded over 10,000 answer videos covering the three grades.
”…and by the next academic year, we plan to upload over one lakh videos across the three grades. We add nearly 1500 videos per week,” Nair said, adding that, the videos that explain how to solve each problem would be appealing to those students averse to mathematics too and will ignite in them an interest in the subject.
The company resorted to the video mode since images make a greater impact on the human mind and brain.
”They linger in mind and brain for a longer duration. It’s any day better than understanding by reading, especially in a subject like maths. The concepts go deep into the mind with videos. The videos are new-generation friendly too,” the company said.
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The website has a facility for students to solve multiple-choice questions. Each question will be supported with a video guiding you from the wrong answer you may have selected to the correct answer, explaining the path.
One can register on www.showans.com by going through a multiple-choice test for free after logging into the site.