Kingdom Chapter 789: The “Kingdom” manga series by Yasuhisa Hara was serialized by Young Jump from January 2006 through February 2024 in tankbon volumes. It follows Xin, a war orphan, and his fellow combatants during the Warring States period as they vie for notoriety.
After five hundred years, the purpose of the narrative is to unite China. The anime series, adapted from Pierrot’s manga, is set to debut in January 2024, with live-action films to follow in 2019, 2022, and 2023.
“Kingdom” (volume one of the best-selling manga series) had sold over 100 million copies by November 2023. Crunchyroll, which received the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize Grand Prize in 2013, has a license for the program in English.
Kingdom Chapter 789: Release Date
As the release date approaches for Kingdom Chapter 789, a growing number of apprehensive fans anticipate an emotional roller coaster in the engrossing football plot of the upcoming manga chapter.
Excellent news: Kingdom Chapter 789 will be published on February 29, 2024. Diverse regions will experience varying release windows, which is cause for great anticipation among admirers worldwide.
Enthusiasticly awaiting the release date, fans of the Kingdom series are preparing to dive headfirst into the forthcoming installment to experience all the excitement and danger that the new chapter will bring.
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Kingdom Chapter 789: Spoilers
A considerable number of individuals eagerly await the publication of Chapter 789 of the Kingdom book series. Because spoilers have not yet been disclosed, the plot remains unknown at this time, causing readers to be concerned and speculate.
We assure readers that we will promptly inform them of any disclosures that may become available, and our diligent staff remains vigilant for any updates. We are eternally appreciative of the readers’ patience and assistance during this time of waiting.
Among readers, Kingdom Chapter 789’s anticipated plot development continues to generate increasing excitement.
Kingdom Chapter 789: Ending Explained
Amid the ongoing conflict, Kan Saro refrains from slaying Shiryou, notwithstanding Ji Aga’s injuries. Shibashou continues to fight despite Ousen’s concerns regarding Riboku’s approach, as soon as he discovers Kanjou and Sou’Ou’s men opposing him.
Shibashou’s unexpected strength is endangering Riboku’s plans and Seika’s forces, blocking both Gyoku Hou and the Hi Shin Unit.
In an effort to bolster the morale of Ousen’s forces, Akou breaches Shibashou’s lines while Gakushou pursues. Shibashou surprises Sou’Ou with his resilience despite the effectiveness of Sou’Ou’s diversion.
Despite Denrimi’s directives for his troops to obstruct the enemy, Sou’Ou and Akou assist Ousen in gaining the upper hand. Ousen boasts of his army’s superiority over Riboku’s, notwithstanding the formidable strength of Shibashou.
Officers stationed in Riboku observe the pivotal battle as the tide turns. Kitari withdraws her forces from the conflict upon detecting Hango.
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