My Happy Ending Episode 13: On December 30, 2023, “My Happy Ending,” a captivating South Korean television series, premiered on TV Chosun. With its captivating performances and intriguing narrative, Jang Na-ra, Son Ho-jun, So Yi-hyun, Lee Ki-taek, Kim Hong-pa, and Park Ho-san have gained considerable acclaim for this drama.
“My Happy Ending” is a popular TV series airing on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:10 KST, distributed to Southeast Asian countries, and initiated by author Baek Seon-hee.
He submitted the script to the Broadcasting Content Promotion Foundation’s prestigious 12th “Find Shooting Stars in the Desert” competition. Higround, a South Korean production company, was awarded the 20 million won grand prize for their screenplay.
The series, authorized in February 2023, has gained global recognition and is currently available on streaming platforms like Wavve, Netflix (in South Korea), Viki, and Viu. This enables enthusiasts to partake in the captivating drama’s allure from around the globe.
My Happy Ending Episode 13: Ending Explained
In the dramatic finale of episode 13 of My Happy Ending, Jang Na-ra’s character, Seo Jae-Won, narrowly evades capture by Kwon Young-Ik (Kim Myung-Soo), thereby adding a thrilling twist to the plot.
At the onset of the episode, Yoon-Jae and Young-Ik are observed tormenting and holding Jae-Won captive. In order to protect his daughter Kwon Yoon-Jin (So Yi-Hyun) and regain his standing, Young-Ik attempts to poison Jae-Won.
When Lee Ki-Taek’s character Yoon Te-Oh arrives just in time to intervene and bring about change, the situation takes an unexpectedly dramatic turn. Te-Oh’s timely arrival thwarts Young-Ik’s evil plans, which causes Te-Oh and Yoon-Jae to clash.
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Despite the minor injuries he has, Te-Oh manages to retrieve Jae-Won. Throughout the entire time, Jae-Won concealed a covert camera that documented footage implicating Young-Ik in his misdeeds.
After episode 13, Te-Oh rushes Jae-Won to the hospital, where the concealed camera provides crucial evidence. The Ministry of Culture conducts an assembly inspection amid allegations Kwon Young-Ik was complicit in the abduction and attempted murder. Tensions escalate during the inspection.
Following Jae-Won’s disclosure of his illicit activities while equipped with the damning camera footage, Detective Oh Soo-Jin apprehends Young-Ik. Despite this, the program concludes without much fanfare. Initially relieved, Jae-Won’s suspicions regarding Kwon Yoon-Jin’s involvement in the malevolent conspiracy grow.
Yoon-Jae’s employment with Yoon-Jin becomes evident as the puzzle pieces fall into place. The story abruptly shifts into horror when the police remove a dead body from Baek Seung-Gyu’s residence.
As the blood-soaked Kwon Yoon-Jin departs the structure, the startling realization becomes more tangible. The episode leaves viewers captivated and uncertain about Yoon-Jin’s involvement and motivations in the unsettling incident involving Baek Seung-Gyu.
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