National Walter Day is annually observed on March 2. It is a day to honour everyone who was or is named Walter. Generally, the name Walter is perceived as a traditional name with martial connotations that evokes characteristics such as strength, firmness, discipline, and decorum, while also emanating sweetness and intelligence. It is a masculine name with multiple variants across cultures and regions, especially in Europe. Despite waning popularity over the decades, this name is still widely used due to its timeless quality.
The background of National Walter Day
Walter is a male name with Germanic roots. This name is associated with sensibility and dignity due to the numerous Walters who exemplified these traits over the centuries. This name is archaic, but it has great significance and a fascinating past.
The name Walter is primarily used in English, Swedish, and German-speaking communities. It is composed of two Germanic words, ‘wald’ meaning ‘rule’ and ‘hari’ meaning ‘army,’ and it means “commander or ruler of the army.” Even when shortened to popular forms such as Walt or Wally, the name exudes vitality, conviction, and charm. This name is less popular now than it was a few decades ago, despite the fact that it is admired for its classic and robust appeal. This name became associated with aristocracy in the 16th and 17th centuries, particularly due to the persona and fame of Sir Walter Raleigh, the renowned English explorer, and Sir Walter Scott, the renowned author of “Ivanhoe” and “Robroy.”
In the United States, the name Walter experienced a resurgence between the 1870s and 1940s, following a brief decline. The Social Security Administration of the United States reports that the name’s popularity peaked in 1914, when it was the tenth most popular name. In 2008, it had fallen to 393rd place, but in the following decade it rose to 274th place, in 2020. The name evokes the golden eras of the late 19th century and early 20th century, when it was associated with notable social figures and characters such as Walt Whitman and Walter Rothschild. Other notable Walters include Walter Cronkite, Walt Disney, and the fictional character Walter White; all have had a significant cultural impact.
List of Important Days in March 2023
Communicate with each Walter.
Reach out and spend time with everyone in your life named Walter. Call them or send them a message to express your admiration and appreciation. Spend the evening with them and enjoy yourself!
Read a good book
“Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman is regarded as one of the most enduringly acclaimed poetry collections. This National Walter Day, read his enchanting poetry, which reflects his views on nature and life.
View a Walter film.
Watch a film directed by or starring a renowned Walter. You could watch Walt Disney films. Almost all Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Aladdin, and Donald Duck, have become culturally recognisable.
Walter was included in the list of the top 1,200 pet names in 2021.
Sir Raleigh introduced tobacco and potatoes to England and Ireland upon his return from a failed mission to Guyana.
The British aristocrat Rothschild enjoyed taking rides on Rotumah, his giant tortoise, and also owned a zebra-drawn carriage.
Walter Bruce Willis is the full name of actor Bruce Willis.
Walter Cronkite, the most respected news anchor in the United States, broke the news of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and John Lennon.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | March 2 | Thursday |
2024 | March 2 | Saturday |
2025 | March 2 | Sunday |
2026 | March 2 | Monday |
2027 | March 2 | Tuesday |