A special one-day event was organised on Thursday in the Gujarat Assembly where students will play the roles of speaker, chief minister, leader of opposition and ministers in the House.
The aim of the ‘Youth Model Assembly’ is to make the younger generation aware of various parliamentary, legislative procedures and to instil leadership qualities in them, Assembly Speaker Nimaben Acharya told reporters.
Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel inaugurated the special event in the state Assembly in Gandhinagar on Thursday morning.
For the mock session, 182 school and college-going students, equivalent to the number of seats in the Gujarat Assembly, were selected from across the state to play the roles of speaker, CM, LoP and legislators in the House, Achayra said.
The selected students include 70 girls.
The programme is being organised under the aegis of GV Mavlankar Parliamentary Studies and Training Bureau of the state legislature and The School Post magazine, she said.
”The model Assembly will inculcate leadership qualities among the youth and also make them aware of various parliamentary and legislative procedures. We also want the children to think from the common person’s perspective and how pro-people schemes are devised by the government,” the Speaker said.
A girl has been selected to play the Speaker’s role, she said.
During the session, the students will engage in debate on a bill about the establishment of a sports university and on a government resolution on climate change.
”The students will also take part in Question Hour, just like we do during the real Assembly sessions. We have also allotted time for a debate on the Budget,” Acharya said.
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