Ireland Social Welfare Sick Pay: As of January 1, 2023, you are entitled to three sick days of pay annually. Statutory sick pay is what it’s known as (that implies the legal minimum).Your company will pay 70% of your regular salary as sick pay, up to a daily maximum of €110.
Statutory sick pay is only payable to employees who have worked for their employer for at least 13 weeks.
You cannot receive less than the statutory amount from your company, even if they have a more generous sick leave policy.
Paid sick leave will grow from three to five days per year on January 1, 2024.
The Statutory Sick Pay Scheme (SSP)
The legal minimum for sick pay is known as Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).
Over four years, paid sick leave will become available:
- Covered three days in 2023
- Covered five days in 2024
- Covered seven days in 2025
- Covered 10 days in 2026
It is possible to take consecutive or non-consecutive sick days.
The calendar year, which is also the sick pay year, extends from January 1 to December 31.
See more about how your sick pay is determined below. You are entitled to sick pay equal to 70% of your regular weekly pay, up to a maximum of €110 per day.
The Sick Leave Act of 2022 contains the SSP regulations.On January 1, 2023, sick pay becomes payable.
Ireland Social Welfare Sick Pay Eligibility
To receive statutory ill pay, you need to:
- Take a job.
- Prior to becoming ill, you must have worked for your company for at least 13 weeks straight.
- Have a GP certify that you are unable to work.
Sick pay is available to you if you are:
- On Probation
- Receiving instruction (interns)
- A trainee
- An employee of an agency
14 States Provide Paid Leave for Caregiving: Why paid caregiving leave matters?
Can I get sick pay without a medical certificate?
For the purpose of receiving statutory ill pay under the sick leave laws, you need a doctor’s certification that you are incapable of working. From the first day of your sick leave, you ought to be certified.
From the first day you take a sick leave, you are entitled to SSP. Before you receive statutory sick pay, your employer is not permitted to apply “waiting days.”
Ireland Social Welfare Sick Pay Calculation
You must receive your statutory sick leave benefit at your regular daily rate. Up to a daily limit of €110, you are entitled to 70% of your regular pay.
What is the normal daily pay?
Any regular bonus or allowance that you receive on a weekly basis is included in your normal day pay; overtime and commission are not included.
In the event that your salary fluctuates on a weekly basis due to recurring bonus payments or allowances, your sick pay is calculated as the mean of your income for the 13 weeks preceding your sick leave.
Recall that the daily maximum for ill pay is €110.
Illness Benefit
A weekly payment known as the Illness Benefit may be given to you if your illness prevents you from working.
See “How to qualify for Illness Benefit” below for details on meeting the social insurance (PRSI) requirements and being under 66 years old in order to receive illness benefits.
If you are medically diagnosed as being unsuitable for work, you should always apply for illness benefits. Even if you are not eligible for the weekly payment, you can still be eligible for future social welfare payments if your contributions are credited to PRSI.
You can receive a Supplementary Welfare Allowance if you are ineligible for Illness Benefit or while you are awaiting a decision regarding your claim.