SNAP Recertification Deadline: If a SNAP recertification application is not complete by the end of the final month of the certification period, it is considered delayed. A recertification application should be considered right away if it arrives at the county before the fifteenth day of the final month of the certification period.
The county will reject an application at the end of the certification period if a household files it before then but due to a client-caused delay, the recertification process cannot be finished within the final month.
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SNAP Recertification Deadline: Recertification Application Process
This holds regardless of when the recertification application was submitted. The household has up to 30 days from the end of the certification period to finish the recertification process if the county rejects the application.
The county will reverse the denial and offer prorated benefits retroactive to the date the client completes the recertification process and takes the necessary action if the household takes the required action within 30 days of the certification period ending.
Even though 30 days haven’t passed since the application date, counties must meet some requirements to deny an application for failure to submit the requested verification within 10 days of the written request.
For every applicant who is not interviewed on the day of application, the county is required to arrange an interview. If the household fails to show up for the first scheduled interview, the county cannot reject the application before the thirty-first day.
In addition to stating why the application was rejected and informing the household that benefits would begin on the date of application if the necessary verification is received within 30 days of the application date, the denial notice must also allow the household at least 10 days to submit any missing information.