JoSAA Counseling 2022: The registration process for counseling on behalf of the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) will start from 10 am on Monday. This year the counseling will be held in six phases till October 21. A total of 114 engineering institutes of top IITs, NITs, Triple IT and GFTIs of the country will be counseling for more than 620 courses.
Students can register from 12 to 17 September by visiting Josaa’s website The students have been given the option to fill the choices of the college from September 12 to 21. The seat allotment for the first round will be released on September 23. After seat allotment this year, online reporting will have to be done by uploading the required documents.
How to do Choice Filling
Choice filling opportunity is given only once. Students fill in the maximum number of colleges option in descending order of their preference. Students can get an idea of the trend of choosing colleges by looking at the opening and closing ranks of the colleges of the previous years. According to their rank, the colleges and branches ranked below the closing rank of previous years can also be included in the college priority list according to their interest. At the time of counseling, before filling the choice of colleges, make a list of your priority colleges on paper and make an assessment and enter it online, so that there is no possibility of making a mistake. Students should check the college choice completely before locking it, because after locking it will not be possible to change it.
These questions were dropped in the provisional answer key:
- One question each has been dropped in both Paper 1 and Paper 2. In these, full marks have been given to all the examinees.
- Physics Paper 1 – Section 3 Question No. 15
- Physics Paper 2 Section 3 Question No. 17
Enrollment will be done on 366 increased seats in IITs
According to the seat matrix, a total of 16 thousand 598 seats will be admitted in 23 institutes of the country. Of these, 1567 seats are for women. The number of seats in IITs has increased by 366 as compared to last year. Last year there were 1,534 seats for women. IIT Patna has 582 seats this year. At the same time, IIT Bombay has 1,360 seats. IIT Delhi has 1,209 seats. There are 1,133 seats in IIT Madras, 1869 in Kharagpur and 1,353 in Roorkee.