Every year, Debunking Day is observed on March 11. In a world as vast and fast-paced as ours, it is simple for information to be misinterpreted and lost to lies. This day helps us acquire a little more insight into the myths and false information we hear every day. Rob Brezsny, the creator, considers himself a master of inquiry on a mission to save humanity from the genocide of imagination.
The background of Debunking Day
Have you ever heard a story or piece of news and wondered, “Who comes up with these?”? So have we, which is why we’ve never been delighted that Debunking Day exists to dispel false beliefs. Daily, thousands of new facts become available in our information-based society. It’s not surprising that when these facts are transmitted from person to person, the truth is frequently lost.
Debunkers exist to debunk erroneous information and provide the world with more clarity. A debunker is someone who debunks fraudulent or suspect claims. These assertions can be controversial, such as UFO sightings and conspiracy theories, or they can appear to be insignificant, such as “sea salt is healthier than table salt.” Regardless of the situation, debunkers help us expose and prevent the dissemination of false information.
Rob Brezsny, the creator of this holiday, is one of these debunkers. Brezsny is an astrologer, author, musician, and debunker in his spare time. He has been publishing a weekly horoscope column titled “Free Will Astrology” since 1980. From the 1970s to the 1990s, he was a vocalist and songwriter for a number of rock bands in the Santa Cruz region of California and, eventually, the entire United States. He is also the founder of Beauty and Truth Lab, the author of multiple books and a memoir, the officiant at hundreds of marriages at Burning Man in 2001, and a candidate for Santa Cruz city council.
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Debunk some false information
Have there been any particular pieces of information, news, falsehoods, or false claims that have irritated you? Take the time today to debunk some of them publicly. Inform your close friends and family, or make your opinions as widely known as the false information by posting them on social media or your blog.
Look up some debunked statements
An additional enjoyable method to spend the day is to clarify some facts for yourself. If you’ve been pondering the veracity of certain matters, today is the ideal time to investigate and discover the facts. You will likely encounter additional ludicrous falsehoods and tales that have been debunked by others.
Discourage the propagation of falsehoods
You can begin this activity with family and close acquaintances. Discouragement of the dissemination of information you know to be false goes a long way towards ensuring that only the truth is publicised. Take to social media and encourage others to do so as well.
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Even though bulls are red-green colorblind and cannot see the colour of the capes worn by matadors, they are provoked by their movement.
Peanuts are legumes and closely related to peas, despite the fact that they are typically served with other seeds.
This is a myth and an ineffective method for treating jellyfish injuries, according to research.
Deserts are characterised by a lack of water, so there are exceedingly cold polar deserts.
Einstein was actually the highest student in his class and had mastered complex calculus before he turned 15 years old.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | March 11 | Saturday |
2024 | March 11 | Monday |
2025 | March 11 | Tuesday |
2026 | March 11 | Wednesday |
2027 | March 11 | Thursday |