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National Cat Lady Day 2023: Date, History, Facts, Activities

The 19th of April is Cat Lady Day. Since mediaeval Europe, when a woman's affection for felines was viewed with suspicion and even disdain, the reputation of a cat lady has greatly improved.

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The 19th of April is National Cat Lady Day, but if you own a cat, you know that you celebrate your furry friend every day! Therefore, appreciate your cats and give your cat catnip! This animal provides you happiness, but that’s not all. Pets not only win our hearts, but also enhance our cardiovascular health by reducing cortisol, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Let us read further. Check out our guide to gifts for cat enthusiasts if you want to celebrate in style.

The background of National Cat Lady Day

The 19th of April is Cat Lady Day. Since mediaeval Europe, when a woman’s affection for felines was viewed with suspicion and even disdain, the reputation of a cat lady has greatly improved. Since then, the cat woman stereotype has shifted from negative to positive, and many modern cat ladies don it with pride.

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Cats are small, hairy, carnivorous creatures with four legs, a tail, and claws that have been domesticated as pets since ancient times, despite deriving from the African Wildcat and being used to capture vermin.

Ancient Egyptian civilization produced the earliest known trace of cats in human history. We all seem to associate cats with Egyptians due to their veneration of cats as gods and adoration of cats as deities. During the First Dynasty, Mafdet was the first known cat deity, and he was revered as a protector against snakes, scorpions, and evil; consequently, cats were not only deities but also protectors.

A cat lady is a cultural archetype or stock character who is typically portrayed as a middle-aged or elderly woman, recluse, or widow with a large number of cats. The phrase may be insulting or positively received.

Depending on the context, the normally derogatory adjective ‘crazy’ may be appended to ‘cat woman’ to indicate a derogatory or humorous and endearing label. Some writers, celebrities, and artists have adopted the term “crazy cat lady” to refer to an animal lover or rescuer who is psychologically stable and tends for one or more cats.

A 2019 study found no disparities in anxiety, depression, or relationship experiences between cat owners and non-cat owners.

In contrast, a separate study conducted in 1983 found that pet owners scored higher than non-owners on social sensitivity and interpersonal trust, but there was no discernible difference between canine and cat owners.


Visit a feline shelter.

You will not regret volunteering, and the animals at the shelter will enjoy your company. Consider contacting a local animal shelter or rescue organisation to determine how you can assist.

Create bubbles with your feline.

Who doesn’t like to create bubbles? Spend quality time with your furry friend attempting to burst balloons.

Do yoga

Cats are notoriously enamoured of stretching, and they are also skilled at it. Just avoid the downward dog pose and everything will be alright.


When a family cat died, the Egyptians shaved their brows; when a dog died, the remainder of their bodies were shaved.

The Egyptian army surrendered to the Persians in 525 B.C. because the Persians had painted the image of Bastet, the Egyptian cat deity, on their shields, thereby offending their goddess.

Cat kidneys are able to filter salt from water and utilise the desalinated water for hydration.

Cats are the most prevalent pets in North America.

Ancient Egyptians were so fond of cats that they frequently worshipped them in life, mummified them after death, and adorned them with inexpensive gemstones.


Year Date Day
2023 April 19 Wednesday
2024 April 19 Friday
2025 April 19 Saturday
2026 April 19 Sunday
2027 April 19 Monday
Arshiya Khan
Arshiya Khan
Arshiya Khan is a Commerce graduate who loves to write on general and trending topics.

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