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National For Twelves Day 2023: Date, History, Facts, Activities

Before there were numerals, lines were used to write. Egypt and Greece used |, ||, and ||| while Asia employed, =, and. Since it would have taken aeons to count these lines and slashes, symbols eventually replaced numbers.

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National For Twelves Day is celebrated annually on April 12 to highlight the uniqueness of the number 12. Given that we measure time in two 12-hour sets, purchase eggs by the dozen, and count down the 12 months of the year, it is safe to infer that this number is significant in numerous ways. This particular day, however, celebrates all the “12s” on a football team, aka the supporters! According to the day’s founders, the unwavering support and dedication of the followers inspired the creation of this celebratory day.

The background of National For Twelves Day

Before there were numerals, lines were used to write. Egypt and Greece used |, ||, and ||| while Asia employed, =, and. Since it would have taken aeons to count these lines and slashes, symbols eventually replaced numbers. As remembering each symbol became increasingly difficult over time, multiple civilizations independently devised a system to count objects, but these symbols only represented the main numbers. Then, around the 7th century, Indian mathematicians devised a counting system known as the ‘decimal system,’ which could represent any number using only ten distinct symbols – the digits zero through nine.

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As life became more complicated, the need to count increased, typically to quantities greater than ten. The number 10, which was significant in the decimal system, was then used to derive the English names for many higher numerals. It is a derivation of the Old English words ‘twelf’ and ‘tuelf’, which meant “two is left after counting to ten”

Numerous disciplines, including mathematics, astronomy, religion, and even mythology, have endowed the number 12 with immeasurable significance over time. The Western and Chinese zodiacs each have 12 signs, the Moon and Sun have 12 stations, and Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun takes 12 years. Hercules had to perform 12 heroic labours to atone for the actions of another Greek god, there were 12 Titans, and before them, there were 12 Olympians. Christianity (Jesus Christ’s 12 Apostles), Hinduism (Sun God Surya has 12 identities), and Islam (Prophet Muhammad had 12 legitimate successors) all prominently feature this number.

Also significant in sports, particularly football and American football, is the number twelve. The fans are the 12th player on these 11-member teams; this is so ingrained in the sport that Bayern Munich, Hammarby, Feyenoord, Atlético Mineiro, Flamengo, Seattle Seahawks, Portsmouth, and Cork City do not allow their field players to wear number 12 jerseys, as they are reserved for the fans. Is it any surprise that the creators of this day are also athletes, given the level of devotion for this number? The Honolulu Sea Hawks created National For Twelves Day in 2019 to honour the supporters who wear the number 12 on every football team.

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Take part in a “buy a dozen” contest.

Determine whether the items you need are sold in 12-packs, and then acquire them. Simple examples include roses, eggs, coloured pencils, beer, and other beverages. You can even throw a National For Twelves Day party for yourself and your family, replete with 12 home-cooked meals prepared from the items you purchased!

Don the uniform number 12 of your favourite athlete.

Attend a game or observe it on television while wearing the number 12 jersey of your favourite player. You could also host a dual sports-plus-National For Twelves Day gathering for your friends.

Educate yourself on the number 12.

What was its significance in history? How many sacred texts emphasise the number 12? Why is it significant in astronomy and mathematics? Learn as much as possible about this remarkable and adaptable number from research papers, books, or even films.

5 ways in which the number 12 shines

Terry Bradshaw, Joe Namath, and, most recently, Tom Brady have all worn jerseys with the number 12 on them.

Twelve is the smallest number that can be divided into six parts: one, two, three, four, and twelve itself.

The last double-digit number to be written in words is 12, and every number after that is represented numerically; however, this is not required for all prose writing.

Twelve astronauts have stepped on the Moon since 1969.

The term “dozen” is derived from the French word “douzaine,” which means “exactly 12.”


Year Date Day
2023 April 12 Wednesday
2024 April 12 Friday
2025 April 12 Saturday
2026 April 12 Sunday
2027 April 12 Monday
Arshiya Khan
Arshiya Khan
Arshiya Khan is a Commerce graduate who loves to write on general and trending topics.

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