Thomas Jefferson Day is observed on April 13 to honour the birth of the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. He served as president from 1801 to 1809, authored the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and was one of the most influential Founding Fathers. Jefferson is also well-known for promoting Republican ideals in the United States. During his presidency, he supervised significant historical events like the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Jefferson is remembered for numerous noteworthy accomplishments. His greatest accomplishment was signing the Declaration of Independence.
The background of Thomas Jefferson Day
Understanding the significance of Thomas Jefferson Day requires an appreciation for Jefferson’s role in the formation of the United States. As a political philosopher, Jefferson maintained relationships with numerous intellectual figures in Britain and France. Jefferson advocated for church-state separation and authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.
Jefferson was renowned as a horticulturist, politician, architect, archaeologist, novelist, inventor, and founder of the University of Virginia, among other accomplishments. Early in his career, Thomas Jefferson practised law and was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Jefferson published A Summary View of the Rights of British America in 1794. This was intended to serve as guidance for Virginia’s delegates to a national congress. The pamphlet presented a compelling case for American independence. The summary also explained why the United Kingdom should give up its powers. The summary accelerated the path to independence and established Jefferson as one of the nation’s Founding Fathers. Since Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and a significant contributor to American political and civil culture, it was decided that he would compose the first draught. Later on, the draught was revised, but Jefferson’s influence remained predominant.
After leaving public office, Jefferson founded the University of Virginia. Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, Independence Day. This day also marked the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence’s adoption.
5 Thomas Jefferson facts that will blow your mind
A treaty/transaction with France, the Louisiana Purchase effectively doubled the extent of the United States.
Six egg yolks, a half-pound of sugar, two bottles of cream, and one vanilla bean are ascribed to Jefferson as the first ice cream recipe recorded in America.
The name of his companion mockingbird was Dick.
These were Fourth of July and New Year’s Day.
Jefferson sold his entire personal library of 6,707 titles to the government for $23,950.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | April 13 | Thursday |
2024 | April 13 | Saturday |
2025 | April 13 | Sunday |
2026 | April 13 | Monday |
2027 | April 13 | Tuesday |