Animation enthusiasts celebrate Woody Woodpecker Day on April 27. This obscure but entertaining holiday honours everyone’s favourite animated woodpecker character. From 1940 to 1972, American animation reached its pinnacle. During this period, the animated, anthropomorphic woodpecker Woody Woodpecker was created. Woody appeared in short films produced by Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures. Cartoonist Walter Lantz and storyboard designer Ben “Bugs” Hardaway, who had previously worked at Warner Bros. on screwball characters Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, created the character.
The background of Woody Woodpecker Day
In 1940, cartoonist Walter Lantz created the anthropomorphic woodpecker Woody. In the late 1930s, he collaborated with Ben Hardaway, the storyboard artist responsible for Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. In 1957, “The Woody Woodpecker Show,” which featured a new video of Woody and live-action footage of Lantz, debuted on television. Lantz produced theatrical cartoons longer than most of his contemporaries, and Woody Woodpecker remained a staple of Universal’s release schedule until 1972, when Lantz closed his studio. For specific performances and subsequent occasions, the character was revived.
1947 saw the composition of ‘The Woody Woodpecker Song’ by musicians George Tibbles and Ramey Idriss. The song heavily featured the character’s signature laugh. In the 1988 film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” Woody made a cameo appearance alongside a number of other well-known animated characters.
From 1999 to 2002, “The New Woody Woodpecker Show,” a Saturday morning animated television series starring the prolific voice actor Billy West as Woody, aired. In 2017, the live-action/CGI hybrid feature film “Woody Woodpecker” was released in theatres in Latin America and on home video everywhere else. In 2018, Universal Animation Studios announced that a new series of Woody Woodpecker animations would be exclusively released on YouTube. On December 3, 2018, the programme “Woody Woodpecker” began streaming online.
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Observe Woody Woodpecker animations again
Cartoons are an inseparable part of every child’s existence, and they are by far their favourite pastime. To celebrate Woody Woodpecker Day, channel your inner child by viewing Woody Woodpecker cartoons.
Share via social networks
Utilise social media to share Woody Woodpecker photographs. Inspire everyone’s sense of nostalgia and conversation about their favourite woodpecker figurine.
Try creating cartoon animations
Try your hand at creating animations or illustrations of Woody Woodpecker. It does not need to be perfect; you just need to indulge yourself and have fun.
On the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a plaque for Woody.
The official emblem of Universal Studios is Woody Woodpecker.
In 1998 and 1999, Woody debuted on the Williams Formula One Team’s snout.
In 2000, Woody Woodpecker became the official emblem of the Honda Motorcycle Racing Team.
On “Animal Planet’s” 2004 list of The 50 Greatest Movie Animals, Woody ranked 25th.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | April 27 | Thursday |
2024 | April 27 | Saturday |
2025 | April 27 | Sunday |
2026 | April 27 | Monday |
2027 | April 27 | Tuesday |