Buddha Purnima: It is an annual festival commemorating the birthday of Lord Gautam Buddha, who is regarded as the Founder of the Buddhist faith. It is a significant festival widely observed by Buddhists in the country and throughout the globe. This festival, also known as “Buddha Jayanti,” holds immense significance for Buddhists around the globe.
Although the birth and death dates of Lord Buddha are unknown, it is believed that he lived between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE. Prince Siddhartha was born in Lumbini, Nepal. Long before his birth, he was predicted to become a famous king or sage, according to legends. Siddhartha was shielded from the tribulations of human life until he was in his late twenties because he had been raised in princely opulence. After encountering illness, old age, and death, the 29-year-old prince decided to abandon his royal palace and embark on a journey to discover the cause of all suffering.
During the subsequent years, he investigated numerous teachings but was unable to attain enlightenment until one night when he fell into a deep meditation and awoke with all the answers he had been pursuing. This is how Siddhartha Gautama, at the age of 35, became the Buddha or the Awakened One. He spent the rest of his life preaching the Dharma to guide others along the path to enlightenment. At the age of 80, Gautama Buddha passed away in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh.
According to legend, the three most significant events in the life of Gautama Buddha — his birth, enlightenment, and salvation — occurred on the same day of the year. Due to this occurrence, the day has great significance in Buddhism. In May of 1960, the World Fellowship of Buddhists made the decision to commemorate the Buddha’s birthday on the first full moon day of Vaisakha.
Happy Buddha Purnima Messages, Wishes, WhatsApp Status
Happy Buddha Purnima Wishes, WhatsApp Status, Messages, Quotes
Buddha Purnima 2023: Date And Timings
Buddha Purnima occurs on the day of the Hindu month of Vaishakh’s full moon. On May 5 of this year, Buddha Jayanti will be celebrated. On May 5, 2023, the festival will coincide with the very first lunar eclipse of the year, which will also occur on that date.
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Importance of Buddha’s Birthday:
The Buddha Purnima festival is significant for Buddhists in India and around the world. Gautama Buddha was a renowned spiritual leader who renounced all worldly delights in order to live a simple life of contentment. He preached the ideals of equality and compassion for all living things. Lord Buddha is regarded as the religion’s creator. It is believed that Buddha Purnima is a day of triple blessing because it commemorates three important events in the life of Gautama Buddha. On this designated day, the teachings of this renowned saint are remembered. His teachings are utilised to terminate life’s sufferings and miseries.
Rituals during Buddha Purnima
On Buddha Purnima, Buddhist sect members visit temples dedicated to Gautama Buddha. There, they pass their time listening to the monks’ sermons. Some devout Buddhists devote their days to visiting temples and reciting ancient verses. On this day, special events are conducted in the temples of Lord Buddha. These temples host a number of cultural, religious, and social events. People from all over the world attend these events, which describe the life of Gautama Buddha.
Some temples feature statues depicting the youth of Gautama Buddha. The statues are placed in a receptacle filled with water and adorned with fresh flowers. As part of a ritual, visitors to the temple pour water over the statues. This ceremony represents a new and pristine beginning. During Vesak, Buddhist devotees pay special attention to Lord Buddha’s teachings, particularly the five principles known as “Panchsheel.” On this day, some even don white robes and consume a strict vegetarian diet. Charity is an integral component of Buddha Purnima festivities. Poor and destitute individuals receive donations of food, clothing, cash, and other useful items. In accordance with Lord Buddha’s teachings, chained or confined animals are set free as an expression of compassion for all living things.