Regardless of the type of kiss you favour, International Kissing Day on July 6 is the best day of the year to celebrate this simple yet profound gesture. From French kissing to a formal kiss on the cheek to a kiss hello and a kiss farewell, kissing is a time-honored custom with significance that extends well beyond romance.
The background of International Kissing Day
The Romans are responsible for the prevalent practise of kissing throughout Europe. They defined three types of kissing: the osculum (a friendly peck on the cheek), the basium (an affectionate kiss on the lips), and the savium (the most passionate kiss on the mouth). When, where, and how you kissed someone was a significant indicator of your social status in Roman society.
During World War I, American and British servicemen in France likely popularised the term “French kiss” after observing that French women were more receptive to employing the passionate technique than their American and British counterparts. Therefore, despite the fact that the French were not the first to indulge in “French kissing,” it is only fitting that they receive credit for it due to the romantic fervour of French lovers a century ago.
Interestingly, until recently the French did not have a specific term for the well-known mouth on mouth. In 2014, “kissing with tongues” was added to Le Petit Robert, a popular but unofficial French dictionary. Currently, French kissing is so popular that a group of Japanese scientists recently invented a French kissing machine that allows separated couples to communicate via straw-like devices that operate through a computer.
International Kissing Day is not just about French kissing your significant other, but also about bringing people together. The central notion was that so many people have forgotten the simple pleasures of kissing for the sake of kissing, as opposed to kissing as a mere social formality. Kissing can be a pleasurable experience unto itself and is an expression of affection and closeness.
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Give someone you adore a kiss
Whether it’s your partner, your mother, or your best friend, remind someone with a kiss that you adore them. Remember that just because you want to kiss someone does not mean that they want to be kissed by you; keep it consensual.
Hershey’s Kisses are an acceptable snack.
Did you realise that Hershey’s Kisses fit your pouted lips perfectly? According to urban legend, Hershey’s Kisses were named after the sound the chocolate produces when it falls onto the conveyer belt. What romance!
Hug everyone you meet on both cheeks.
In many cultures (especially French), it is customary to kiss someone once on each cheek as a form of salutation. Try it out on your peers and coworkers. But only pecks, please—no tongues!
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | July 6 | Thursday |
2024 | July 6 | Saturday |
2025 | July 6 | Sunday |
2026 | July 6 | Monday |
2027 | July 6 | Tuesday |