They bring a smile to the faces of children and adults alike, and they remain solid in the mouth rather than melting in the hand. We’re talking about M&Ms. In preparation for National M&M Day, gather your belongings. Since its inception in 1941, this renowned confection has remained a staple for more than seventy-five years.
The background of National M&M Day
While not requiring authorization to indulge in delectable chocolate, it is still enjoyable. Feel free to maximize your participation in National M&M Day. Most importantly, how many will you be carrying? M&Ms, as their renowned slogan implies, do not melt in the hand, which makes them an ideal treat for children (and adults with a million other responsibilities who cannot inhale their M&Ms within seconds).
Therefore, commemorate this confectionery essential, which has prevented you from becoming a chocolate disaster. Dark and milk chocolate in color. Caramel with salt and mint. Peanuts must not be forgotten. Additionally, similar to race vehicles, they are available in an assortment of custom colors. Therefore, celebrate National M&M Day with the confection that offers something for everyone. Following his observation of soldiers transporting Smarties—chocolate pellets encased in a shell to prevent melting—during the Spanish Civil War, Forrest Mars Sr., the progeny of the founder of the Mars Company, suggested the concept for M&M’s.
Forrest Mars Sr. initially began manufacturing M&Ms in a New Jersey factory. “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand,” a ubiquitous M&M trademark, was introduced. For a distinctive appearance, M&Ms are printed with a black “M”; in 1954, this was altered to a white “M.” Hong Kong, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, and Malaysia joined the ranks of countries where M&Ms were sold.
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Participation in National M&M Day Activities
Host a bake sale inspired by M&Ms.
Fund-raising bake sales are consistently enjoyable because they involve all attendees in the occasion and generate funds for a worthy cause. Therefore, in observance of National M&M Day, extend an invitation to family and friends to participate in a bake sale; the sole requirement is that they must decorate their creations with M&Ms.
Inviting a delightful celebration
While “sweet” does not necessarily imply “cool” or “rad” (although we are certain that this will also be the case), it refers to beverages, munchies, and foods that will satisfy the sweet tooth of anyone. For example, pastries, cookies, cupcakes, smoothies, and cocktails can be adorned with M&Ms.
Donning the hue of your preferred M&M
We’ve all seen the commercials: the clever, know-it-all red one, the dumb but kindhearted yellow one, the sassy, sultry green one. Odds are, there’s an M&M you connect with most, so on National M&M Day, celebrate by rocking a yellow tie, a red shirt, or a green scarf — whatever helps you get in contact with your inner M&M.
Researchers linked the red dye amaranth to cancer, despite the fact that red M&Ms did not and still do not contain this form of red dye; they chose orange as a substitute and ceased production of red M&Ms for a decade.
Today, we associate a tube of M&M’s with micro M&M’s, but back in the day, the original packaging of all M&M’s was a cardboard tube.
A partnership was established between Forrest Mars Sr. of the Mars confectionery company and Bruce Murrie, the progeny of William Murrie, the president of Hershey’s, in order to create a chocolate-filled hard-shelled candy.
Mars ultimately determined that offering tan and brown M&Ms was absurd, and that the tan candy was rather unimpressive, so they let fans select one of three colors—blue, pink, or purple—to substitute the tan M&Ms. Blue was the clear winner.
That’s correct, because of how easy they are to eat, M&M’s are the most consumed chocolate in outer space.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | October 13 | Friday |
2024 | October 13 | Sunday |
2025 | October 13 | Monday |
2026 | October 13 | Tuesday |
2027 | October 13 | Wednesday |