International Stage Management Day Quotes: The 10th of October is annually observed as International Stage Management Day. The purpose of this day is to recognize and honor the stage management staff, whose efforts contributed to the success of the production. Wishing all individuals a joyous International Stage Management Day by disseminating appropriate messages and greetings. Disseminate to all the enchanting International Stage Management Day proverbs and quotations.
International Stage Management Day Quotes
“This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theater where the dreamer is at once: scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic.” ~ Carl Jung
“Listen to the stage manager and get on stage when they tell you to. No one has time for the rock star bullshit. None of the techs backstage care if you’re David Bowie or the milkman. When you act like a jerk, they are completely unimpressed with the infantile display that you might think comes with your dubious status. They were there hours before you building the stage, and they will be there hours after you leave tearing it down. They should get your salary, and you should get theirs.” ~ Henry Rollins
“An acting assistant stage manager in a theater in Canterbury, a rep theater. A small wage but just enough to get by on, and I made props, and I walked on, and I changed scenery, and I realized that I just loved it.” ~ Jeremy Irons
“The staff, stage managers, ushers all behaved as if they respected the actors.” ~ Estelle
International Stage Management Day 2023: Date, History, Facts about The Role of a Stage Manager
International Stage Management Day Wishes And Messages
I wish everyone a joyous International Stage Management Day. This day will perpetually serve as a token of appreciation for the stage management crew’s unseen and unappreciated labor.
Constantly overlooking and failing to acknowledge the stage management crew’s tireless efforts that render each performance feasible. International Stage Management Day greetings!
Greetings and best wishes in observance of International Stage Management Day. Today, we must acquire a greater understanding of the responsibilities of the stage management staff.
Beyond the actors, the individuals working behind the scenes also merited recognition and acclaim. International Stage Management Day greetings!
Gratitude is extended to all on the milestone of International Stage Management Day. Today serves as a reminder that performances are impossible without stage administration crew.
We should honor the ingenuity and diligence of the men who labor behind the scenes to elevate the quality of each performance. International Stage Management Day greetings!
International Stage Management Day is observed as a means to express gratitude and honor to the crew that operates in the background, whose efforts are truly remarkable.
International Stage Management: Activities to do
Appreciate a stage manager
Stage managers do a whole lot to keep a theatrical production running smoothly. If you have a friend who works behind the scenes, send him or her a simple gift basket or a kind word of appreciation.
Learn about a stage manager’s role
Visit your favorite theatre and ask to shadow a stage manager for a couple of hours. You may be delightfully surprised at how much you could learn about stage management in just a few hours.
Show your support online
There are many ways to support the wonderful jobs that stage managers do. You can donate your time, resources, or even sweet treats to a theatrical production unit.