JEE Advanced 2022: With JEE Advanced Exam 2022 scheduled, on 28th August, 2022 aspirants are already on their toes, preparing to clear the final hurdle in their path to secure the most prestigious seat in the IIT’s. Even though it is one of the toughest entrance exams to clear, proper preparation strategies, rigorous practice will help students clear the exams with ease. As the stress levels and pressure will be on the higher side among the students, yet their focus should be to effectively utilise the time left.
As per the current criteria “Candidates should have appeared and cleared their class 12 exams and should be among the top 2.5 lakh successful candidates including all categories in JEE-Main 2022.
Even though it is one of the toughest entrance exams to clear, proper preparation strategies, rigorous practice will help students clear the exams with ease. As the stress levels and pressure will be on the higher side among the students, yet their focus should be to effectively utilize the remaining one to two-month time. Students are advised to manage their time well in advance to avoid last minute pressure.
How to utilise the last One month:
In the last one-month students are advised to continue their preparation with a full proof timetable devoting equal time slots for each subject. Taking Mock Tests followed by rigorous test analysis will help you develop the right examination temperament. Students are advised to revise from the notes made while preparation and stay connected with their respective subject teachers.
JEE advanced paper has a mixture of various types of questions. There are questions of Multichoice type with either Single Correct answer or multi correct answers. There could be comprehensions followed by two or more objective type questions with single or multi correct answers. The matrix match type questions may involve matching two columns or even three columns. The Integer type questions involve a subjective type question with the answer an integer or could be asked correct to two decimal places.
Students are advised to be careful as the paper has negative marking. The preparation strategy should be built with effective time management and subject-wise planning. Here are some vital tips that will help you to prepare for JEE Advanced in one month.
JEE Advanced 2022: Study Schedule
Students must follow the timetable strictly. Getting success in JEE Advanced is not that easy but do remember with hard work and commitment you can achieve anything in life.
Mock test- Mock tests play an important role in making you familiar with the pattern of paper as well as checks your strong and weaker areas.
To analyze your preparation and build the right examination temperament, students are advised to take mock tests. It is advisable to do Test Analysis after every Mock Test for improvement.
Time Management- Always remembers all students have 24 hours in a day. Most of the students have queries about how many hours of studies can change the outcome? As per the experts, 5-6 hours of serious study in a day is vital to crack JEE Advanced.
Speed and Accuracy- There would be limited time given to the students to complete the exam. You must maintain a constant speed but don’t forget accuracy will help you gain more marks. There is negative marking in the exam. The accuracy will come with practicing the questions in limited time. Develop the right strategy to attempt the paper so that you can attempt all the easy & moderate questions keeping time for the difficult ones.
Health – Don’t forget to take care of your physical and mental wellbeing. In the end, good health is very important for any exam. Take a good sleep about 6 hours in a day. This should be done a month before the exam. Keep your immunity strong as this will protect you from falling ill before the exam. Do some Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation.
JEE Advanced 2022: Important Topics to be covered
The pattern for the exam remains constant, however, no question has ever been repeated in JEE Advanced exam. As the question paper for the JEE Advanced exam will be divided into three sections Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The major focus should be given to the following topics:
* Mathematics: Quadratic Equations & Expressions, Complex Numbers, Probability, Vectors & 3D Geometry, Matrices in Algebra; Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry; Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Definite Integral in Calculus.
* Physics: Mechanics, Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics, Waves and Sound, Capacitors & Electrostatics, Magnetics, Electromagnetic Induction, Optics and Modern Physics.
* Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis, Coordination Chemistry & Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium in Physical Chemistry and Oxygen related Compounds & Amines in Organic Chemistry.
Strategy for attempting various pattern of questions:
Multiple Choice questions with Single Choice Correct: The best way to attempt these questions is to run through the Question- Option – Question way. Scanning the question again after the options in mind helps strategizing the approach to solve the question. Sometimes the options themselves guide the correct strategy or even the correct answer.
Multiple Choice questions with Multiple Choice Correct: Each question has to be solved and mapped with all options. It may also happen that the options are same values written in different form. Statistically, these are the questions with least percentage of correct responses. One must only answer the correct options in case of partial marking in these questions.
Comprehension Based: Even if you know the concept mentioned in Comprehension, you should still read it thoroughly, there are chances of redefining a concept or providing hypothetical assumptions. In that case your correct approach might lead to incorrect answer.
Matrix Match Type (One to One Matching): If the question is of One to One matching, then your approach should be finding the odd one out (if any). This will help you quickly reach the correct mapping.
Matrix Match Type (One to Many Matching): This type of Matrix Match would be the most challenging and time taking. The suggested way would be to attempt this problem if you are confident on the concepts of all 4 rows, or else keep this question at bay for last.
Numerical Based Answer Type: Generally, these questions are the subjective questions converted to objective, and hence would be time taking. The correct way would be treating them as subjective and solve them only if you have a command on the topic or if you have attempted all other questions of the paper. These questions also have a low scoring statistical record. Last year answers correct to two decimal places were also asked. So, students are advised to write answers correct to decimal places as asked.
Reason Assertion Type: These days these types of questions are not at all asked, but in case there are few questions of this category, be very careful if both the statements are correct. Because, then it’s very tricky to decide between the options A and B. or else you can mark the correct response easily.
Last Minute Tips for the Exam Day:
1. Do sleep for 6 to 7 hours in the night a day before the exam.
2. Reach examination venue well in time and follow all the guidelines already released by IIT for JEE Advanced 2022.
3. Don’t forget to carry your admit card, mask, hand sanitizers as per instructions already given in the admit card.
4. Remain focussed and Don’t discuss anything with friends outside the exam centre.
5. Remember to read all the instructions on question paper carefully.
6. Solve the paper in two rounds. In first round, start with subject in order of your comfort level to maximize attempted questions with not more than 45 minutes on each subject.
7. Use last 45 minutes to solve remaining questions in second attempt and for revision.
8. Do not spend more than a minute on any question if you find that you are not nearing solution. Go to next question.
9. Do not guess if you are not sure in a question with negative marks assigned to it.
10. Must attempt all questions which do not carry negative marks.
11. Remember it is the relative performance that counts, so believe in yourself and give your best shot and you will ace JEE Advanced 2022.