BPSC 67th Prelims Cut off: Bihar Public Service Commission’s 67th Preliminary Examination was conducted peacefully. This time the commission was fully alert after the exam paper was leaked in the past. At the same time, after the end of the examination on Friday, the cutoff and questions of the examination were analyzed by different educational institutions. In the Civil Services 67th Preliminary Examination conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission, 150 questions were asked from General Studies. Admya Aditi Sansthan’s examination specialist Guru Rahman said that the cutoff for general category is 103-106, cutoff for OBC 101-103, SC 93-95, ST 95-98, female cutoff 95-98 and EWS cutoff. Likely to go up to 100-102.
Director of Sankalp Civil Services Patna, Dr. VC Jha said that the questions related to the preliminary examination were balanced and practical. These questions were a good combination of both concept and data based. The cutoff for the general category in this exam is expected to be around 105.
At the same time, SS Upadhyay of Achievers Institute said that the 67th Preliminary Examination was a unique experiment. The questions were the same in each series, but not only the order of the questions had changed, but the order of the choices of the questions in each series had also changed. This can be called a good change.
Chanakya IAS Academy Director Krishna Singh said that the questions from Bihar special and current affairs have been asked more in the examination. Seven to eight questions have been asked from Bihar Geography, which are of general NCERT level. 30 questions were asked from current affairs. Students who arrived late were not allowed in the entrance examination center. Because of this, the candidates performed in many examination centers.
Examination at 85 centers in Patna The maximum number of examinations took place at 85 centers in Patna. Around 55 students appeared in the examination in Patna. However, six lakh students had applied to appear in the examination. But in this already two lakh students got out of the examination.
Jammers were installed at all the examination centres. At the same time, the students were entered an hour before the examination. Due to which there was no complaint of any kind of paper leaks and irregularities.