Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 2023: Every year on January 12, the country commemorates Swami Vivekananda Jayanti. Swami Vivekananda was Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s disciple. Swami Vivekananda gave India a new identity on the global stage at the World Religion Conference in Chicago in 1893. His vivacious ideas have always inspired people of all classes, castes, and religions. Swami ji’s birthday is observed as National Youth Day (National Youth Day 2023) throughout the country in honour of his ideas, which filled a life full of despair with energy. Swami Vivekananda’s powerful and logical thoughts had the power to change the perspective of the person in front of him.
On his birth anniversary, the country salutes him for his imposing aura and for forging India’s distinct identity in the world.
On this day, you can spread Swami Vivekananda’s ideas by sharing the quotes below.
1. Get up, wake up, and keep going until you reach your goal.
2. At least once a day, talk to yourself. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on meeting the world’s smartest man.
3. You can’t trust God until you’ve learned to trust yourself.
4. Never forget those who assist you. Never despise those who adore you. Never deceive those who put their trust in you.
5. Concentration is required for studying, and meditation is required for concentration. Only through meditation can we achieve concentration by controlling our senses.
6. Fill your mind with high-minded ideas and ideals. Whatever you do after this will be fantastic.
7- That person who has attained immortality and is unaffected by anything of this world.
8- Discard anything that weakens you physically, mentally, or religiously.
9- Everything we are is the result of our thoughts. So consider your options carefully. Thoughts precede the emergence of words. Thoughts exist, and words spread.
10. The greater the struggle, the greater the glory. You can be certain that you are on the wrong track if you do not confront the problem. The greatest sin is to think of yourself as weak.