Chief Minister Talent Search Exam 2023: The Directorate of Government Examinations has deferred the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Talent Exam 2023 to a later date today, September 14. The examination was initially scheduled to be administered on September 23, 2023; however, it will now be administered on October 7, 2023.
Beginning in the academic year 2023-2024, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Aptitude Test will be administered to identify and encourage the potential of government school students. Students enrolled in Class 11 of the State Curriculum in Government Schools are eligible to register for this examination.
Through this aptitude examination, a total of 1000 students (500 male and 500 female) will be selected to receive a stipend of Rs 10,000 per academic year (Rs 1,000 per month for 10 months per academic year only) until graduation.
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The test is part of the Tamil Nadu CM Aptitude Scheme and will be administered in two paper formats based on the syllabus of the Tamil Nadu Government’s Class 9 and 10 textbooks for Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Each exam will contain sixty questions.
Paper I will consist of sixty questions pertaining to mathematics, while Paper II will include sixty questions pertaining to science and social science. The first paper will be held from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, followed by the second paper from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
The application period for the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Talent Search Exam 2023 was from August 8 to August 18, 2023, and the application fee of Rs 50 was payable to the school’s principal.