RRB Group D Result 2022: The RRB Group D recruitment exam result will be released very soon. Candidates can view their results by going to their RRB’s website. Candidates had until October 19 to file objections to the answer keys. The Railway Recruitment Board will announce the results soon.
From 17 August 2022 to 11 October 2022, the Railway Group D recruitment exam was held in five stages. 1.03 lakh Group D positions will be filled through the Railway Group D recruitment exam. 1 crore 15 lakh people had applied for Group D positions.
RRB Website Direct Links
Ahmedabad, Patna, Ajmer, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Bilaspur, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Jammu, Kolkata, Malda, Mumbai, Muzaffarpur, Ranchi, Secunderabad, Siliguri, Trivandrum
How to Check RRB Group D Results
- Step 1: Go to your RRB’s official website. You can also go to your RRB’s website by clicking on the link provided above.
- Step 2: Click here to view the Level 1 score of the 7th CPC link.
- Step 3: When the new page loads, enter your registration number and birth date.
- Step 4: Your outcome will be displayed on the screen.
Because the Railway Group D exam is held in multiple shifts, the normalisation formula will be used. The Railway Recruitment Board published the normalisation formula in a notice. Candidates have been informed about how their grades will be calculated.
Minimum Passing Score
To pass the written test (CBT), general category candidates must score 40 percent, EWS 40 percent, OBC (Non Creamy Layer) 30 percent, and SC and ST candidates 30-30 percent.
PET Conditions for Female and Male Candidates at the Next Stage:
For male applicants
A distance of 100 metres must be covered in 2 minutes while carrying 35 kg.
The 1000-meter race must be completed in 4 minutes and 15 seconds.
In favour of female candidates
A distance of 100 metres must be covered in 2 minutes while carrying a weight of 20 kg.
The 1000-meter race must be completed in 5 minutes and 40 seconds.
Out of 1,03,769 Group D recruitments, Indian Railways has set aside 20% (20,734 positions) for apprentice youth.