National Employee Benefits Day is celebrated on a specified date in April each year. This day was created to recognise the dedication and planning of the team of employers who endeavour to provide their employees with benefits that improve their lives. Nearly eight decades have passed since the introduction of employee benefits programmes in the workplace. These types of programmes result in motivated employees who strive to ensure the organisation’s objectives are met.
The background of National Employee Benefits Day
Employee Benefits refers to the privileges and benefits that are provided to employees in addition to their salaries. These may include vacation time, financing, insurance, stipends, travel vouchers, nursery facilities, etc. It is believed that employee benefits are the primary factor that motivates employees to perform their best at work and to remain with the company. They bring about favourable changes in their personal lives, which ultimately enhances their professional lives. For managers and administrators to enhance the work-life balance of their employees, this is a crucial factor to consider.
It is possible that employee benefit programmes originated in the early twentieth century. 1935 saw the introduction of the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), which ensured that retirees and those with disabilities received social security and medical care. In 1944, the Philadelphia charter stated that labour is not a commodity. During World War II, the phrase “peripheral benefits” was coined. It referred to the various indirect benefits the industry provided its employees to retain labour as the economy had collapsed and it was not feasible to increase daily wages. A corporation in the United States could offer its employees a form of benefit plan known as cafeteria plans. The plan provides employees with a selection of benefit options.
In the United States in 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was introduced as a relief measure that guaranteed subsidies and pension plans. National Employee Benefits Day was created to honour those who ensure that employees receive the proper benefits and work towards a healthy workplace for all.
Raise a salute
Salute the individuals responsible for the extraordinary employee benefits you enjoy at work. If you know someone who works in this profession, express your appreciation and best wishes.
Share it on social networking sites.
Make everyone aware of the significance of this day. Take photos of you celebrating National Employee Benefits Day at work and post them to your social media accounts.
Share the news
You can organise meetings and webinars to discuss the various strategies and planning involved in providing the best employee benefits. Inform individuals about various programmes and how they can enhance their professional lives.
A study revealed that approximately 45 percent of individuals desired health benefits as part of their employment contract.
The average American spends seven times as much on healthcare as they do on petrol.
One-half of women and one-quarter of men prefer paid vacation time, according to a study. (PTO).
A study found that approximately 30% of respondents desired benefits such as gym memberships and restaurant coupons.
Some studies indicate that individuals spend an average of 1.3 hours reviewing their benefits and 4.5 hours on their grocery list.
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | April 6 | Thursday |
2024 | April 6 | Saturday |
2025 | April 6 | Sunday |
2026 | April 6 | Monday |
2027 | April 6 | Tuesday |