Thank a Plugin Developer Day 2024: Thank a Plugin Developer Day is commemorated on January 28 every year. The purpose of this day is to recognize the contributions made by plugin developers. For some of us, this naturally begs the question of what or who a plugin developer is. If you find yourself nodding along, then you most definitely do not blog on WordPress. Though we’ve all heard of the plugin but never bothered to look it up, it’s a pardonable infraction. In short, a plugin is a kind of software designed to be integrated into a WordPress website. Usually, they want to make the website better by adding features like better graphics and faster loading times.
History Of Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Matt Mullenweg, a WordPress developer, originally announced Thank a Plugin Developer Day on January 28, 2009. Once there were more than 4,000 plugins in the WordPress plugin directory, he allegedly introduced such a day. In a statement expressing gratitude, Mullenweg said he was excited about the next 4,000 plugins and praised plugin developers for their contributions to WordPress.
To have a deeper understanding of the history of plugins, it is necessary to peruse a brief history of WordPress. Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg established WordPress in 2003 based on their dreams. In May 2004, WordPress released its third edition, which included support for a brand-new idea called “plugins.” The concept originated with WordPress contributor Ryan Boren. He created a system that let programmers create their own unique codes and incorporate them into particular WordPress functions or events. Because non-techies could easily enable or stop these plugins at will, this was particularly clever. In 2005, WordPress introduced its plugin directory, and by 2015, there were more than 2,000 plugins accessible.
With WordPress powering more than 28% of all blogs on the internet, the platform is still at the forefront of blogging. As the number of new WordPress blogs increased by about 15,000 every day in February 2009, “Power Magazine” referred to Mullenweg as “the blog prince.” This proved that the blogging period was, in fact, far from over. By July 2011, WordPress had powered more than 50 million blogs worldwide, surpassing the 50 million milestone. With so many websites, just think of the potential for plugin developers!
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Appreciation of Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Observe Matt Mullenweg’s guidance.
In his gratitude post, Mullenweg advises readers to check out the plugins they most frequently use or love and to visit the makers’ websites. By doing this, you can get in touch with the plugin developers or even get payment through PayPal.
Provide a favorable rating.
Ratings are everything, thus it would be helpful to assign a star to any of your preferred plugins in the WordPress plugin directory. We also always welcome donations. In addition, you can acknowledge plugin developers on your blog or social network accounts.
Give coding a shot.
It’s never too late to try something new. Regardless of how much or how little experience you have, why not sign up for a mini-course in coding? It appears to be rising in relevance as a subject, and who knows, maybe you’ll be able to write your plugin one day.
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5 Blogging Facts To Endear You
- The current estimate of WordPress users is 70 million, with 70 million new articles created per month.
- It is estimated that 80% of internet users read blogs regularly.
- Approximately 70% of users believe that blogs increase the legitimacy of any business website.
- 94% more people visit blogs with graphics than those without.
- Who is in charge of the world? Blogs: Considering that most traffic to blogs comes from organic sources rather than purchases, it’s noteworthy that almost 25% of all websites on the internet include blogs.
The Reasons We Appreciate Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Gratitude is always appropriate.
The pleasant fuzzy feeling that appreciation gives to the “expressed” as well as the expresser is unmatched. The best thing is that it doesn’t require much; all you really need is the capacity to express gratitude and an attitude of gratitude. Saying “thank you” could have a lasting impact.
The future lies with plugins.
The importance of the plugin must have been felt, even if you don’t yet fully understand it. If the exponential rise in plugin usage is any indication, plugins are here to stay and will be a mainstay of the future.
They facilitate everyone’s life.
It’s plugin developers who make browsing websites more convenient. They make sure everything runs smoothly for us, and many of them make improvements that we are unaware of. Because of this, we place a high value on taking the time to show our appreciation for these folks, and because of days like today, we will never forget them.
Year | Date | Day |
2024 | January 28 | Sunday |
2025 | January 28 | Tuesday |
2026 | January 28 | Wednesday |
2027 | January 28 | Thursday |
2028 | January 28 | Friday |