On January 15th, 2024, the world will celebrate Wikipedia Day to commemorate the 18th anniversary of its creation. With over 53 million articles in hundreds of languages and billions of page views per month, Wikipedia is a crucial tool for global education and knowledge sharing. To mark this special occasion, we will explore the growth and evolution of Wikipedia, as well as uncover fascinating facts about the website. Join us on January 15th to learn more about Wikipedia.
History of Wikipedia
Founded in 2001, Wikipedia is a collaborative online encyclopedia written in English with more than five million articles. It is rated among the top ten most popular websites in the world.
Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger founded Wikipedia as a complementary project to Nupedia, an online encyclopedia edited solely by experts. In contrast to Nupedia, which requires articles to be submitted for expert review before they can be published, Wikipedia allows anyone to write and edit articles without any prior approval. As Wikipedia’s number of articles rapidly increased, this soon proved inapplicable. Wales and Sanger developed a system that allows for anonymous editing of articles without requiring formal peer review.
Since its inception on January 10, 2001, Wikipedia has continued to grow exponentially, with over five million articles currently available in English, with the first article being about Albert Einstein. As Wikipedia is currently available in over 280 languages, the content of different language editions is often different because of cultural differences or Wikipedians’ knowledge of various topics.
What is Wikipedia?
Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. It was founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.
Today, Wikipedia is the fifth most popular website in the world. It contains more than 37 million articles in 290 languages. Every day, there are more than 500,000 new edits made to Wikipedia articles.
Wikipedia is a collaborative project that relies on the work of volunteers from all over the world. Anyone can become a Wikipedia editor. All you need is a user account and a willingness to contribute.
How to contribute to Wikipedia
Assuming you would like a content section for the subheading “1. How to contribute to Wikipedia” of the blog article “Wikipedia Day – January 15”:
Anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, and it only takes a few minutes! Here are some tips on how to get started:
First, sign up for a free account. This will allow you to make edits and create new pages. Second, familiarize yourself with Wikipedia’s policies and guidelines. These are important in order to maintain the quality of the encyclopedia. Third, take a look at some articles that need editing. You can find a list of articles that need help here. Finally, start making edits! Remember to be bold— Wikipedia is all about collaboration.
How you can celebrate Wikipedia Day
In order to celebrate Wikipedia Day, you can take part in a number of activities. For instance, you can edit articles on the site or write new ones. Alternatively, you can help to spread the word about Wikipedia by sharing articles with your friends and family. Additionally, you can donate to the Wikimedia Foundation, which helps to keep the site running. Finally, you can simply enjoy reading articles on the site and learning new information. Whatever way you choose to celebrate, make sure to have fun and help contribute to the world’s largest online encyclopedia!
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Wikipedia Day is a celebration of the incredible power and potential that Wikipedia offers to everyone. It’s a chance to discuss how we can use this platform for good, and to recognize the hard work of all those who contribute to it. Whether you’re an avid user or simply want to learn more about what it has to offer, take some time on January 15th – Wikipedia Day – and explore the world of knowledge at your fingertips!
Wikipedia Day Dates:
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | January 15 | Sunday |
2024 | January 15 | Monday |
2025 | January 15 | Wednesday |
2026 | January 15 | Thursday |
2027 | January 15 | Friday |